Centre for Grants Management and Resource Mobilization


Director : Dr Selma Lendelvo

Centre for Research Sciences: Multidisciplinary Research

Director: Prof. Nelago Indongo

Head of MR: Prof. Davis Mumbengegwi


In terms of the UNAM statutes that created it, the Multidisciplinary Research Unit has the same status as a Faculty. MR was formerly known as MRC and was established to promote and conduct research and to strengthen research collaboration with UNAM faculties and stakeholders from public and private sectors as well as partners within the region and beyond. MR recognizes the expertise within faculties and tap into it by including relevant faculty in research teams that are constituted for all research programmes. The current National Developmental Plan (4 Harambe Proposal Plan) address issues pertaining to economic development, and the sectors and enablers on which a vibrant economy can be sustainably based. The MR strengthened its research efforts in such priority areas and is currently implementing research programmes as outlined in the 5-year research agenda. MR’s research strategy is to provide relevant and accurate research information in various areas ranging from health, education, biodiversity, climate change, socio ecological systems, gender, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, etc. for policy decision making and programme interventions. A lot of resources are committed to undertaking research projects and to make our work worth the efforts.

The mandate of the MR is to:

UNAM Press

Publisher: Dr Jill Kinahan

UNAM Press is the dedicated publishing unit of the University of Namibia. Our vision is to be the leading publisher of scholarly research and innovation in Namibia.

UNAM Press publishes works on topics related to Namibia and the Southern African region, reflecting the strengths of the University and the best scholarship in and on Namibia and the region.

UNAM Press plays a vital role in fulfilling the vision and mission of the University, as defined in its key statements, by:

  • •Publishing and disseminating critical, scholarly works of excellence on Namibia and Southern Africa through books, journals and the electronic media, for national and international audiences.
    •Preserving, developing and articulating national values and culture through the publication and promotion of Namibian indigenous knowledge, history, art, languages, science and technology.
    •Engaging with society in the creation and dissemination of knowledge.
    •Becoming a treasure house of knowledge at the service of national development.
    Our publishing program is guided by the UNAM Press Policy approved by Senate in 2011, revised in 2018.
  • An Editorial Board works with the UNAM Press unit to implement policy and approve or reject publication proposals and manuscripts. Submissions go through initial evaluation by the Publisher and Editorial Board members, and selected manuscripts of interest are sent for double-blind peer-review.
    UNAM Press engages critically with content and language, design and technology, to ensure that its publications are of high academic, editorial, and production quality.

UNAM Press and Ed Board


    +264 61 206 4714
    Office M Block 021
  • Private Bag 13301
    340 Mandume Ndemufayo Ave
    Pionierspark, Windhoek

RID Operations

Manager: Mr Mapuka Thukusho

This Unit provides financial, legal and logistical operation support to all RID units

Director: Ms Bernadatte

Board of trustees Chair: Mr Simasiku Bock

The unit exists for the purpose of securing and administering private resources in support of academic programmes, student scholarships, faculty developments and public service initiatives at the University of Namibia to fill the gaps that the Government cannot reach.

Centre for Grants Management and Resource Mobilisation

The UNAM Centre for Grants Management and Resource Mobilisation (CGMRM) provides financial support to Members, Affiliates and eligible students of the University of Namibia who are working in Research fields.

Grant Proposal Procedures

To provide the best services possible, we request that certain policies and procedures be followed.

Step 1:  Discuss the project/contract with your respective faculty. You will discuss your responsibilities, how the project impacts the world and what resources will be needed for the project.

Step 2:  Contact the CGMRM to discuss the grant proposal and submission deadlines.  The CGMRM staff is available to provide as much support as needed on grant applications.