I have familiarised myself with the code of conduct regarding the ethics of research at the University of Namibia, as described in the UNAM Research Ethics Policy, Regulations and Guidelines, and I agree to comply with it.
This Research Project deals with indigenous knowledge, and as such, recognises and affirms the contents of the
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007), particularly Article 31, and, therefore, I have familiarised myself with the rights contained in this Declaration, and they will be respected in the execution of this Research Project.
The information provided in this application form and all accompanying documents is true and correct.
All Annexes and other documents attached to this application are the final versions thereof.
I will comply with all regulatory and monitoring requirements of the UNAM Research Ethics Committee.
I will duly submit all required reports.
I will ensure that every Participant shall always be treated in a dignified manner and with respect.
I have no financial or non-financial interests which may influence me in the conduct of this Research Project.
I do have financial or other competing interests with respect to this Research Project, which may present a potential conflict of interest, and I will provide details of this in a separate statement.